Eda Schottenstein and Rivkah Krinsky
Eda Schottenstein is a mother of four, wife to a serial entrepreneur, and self-proclaimed ‘research-buff’. Her mission is to educate women on the power of personal transformation. Drawing from her lived experience and graduate studies in Psychology, Mental Health, and ADD Coaching, she has created a platform devoted to women who support each other in finding greater focus, peace, and a better self-image, all the while balancing life with multiple roles.
You can find her at Multirolewoman.com
Rivkah Krinsky is a certified health coach based in Brooklyn, NY with clients around the globe. She offers guidance and expertise in holistic healthy living. Through her program “Revive with Rivkah”, she has empowered and nurtured many people to reach their personal health goals and find healthy balance in a doable, sustainable way, making it a lifestyle.
Through her own life changing journey she gives lectures and workshops to women of all ages and stages in life, inspiring positive healthy change. On her page you’l find motivation to empower and recipes to inspire a healthy lifestyle.
You can find Rivkah at www.revivewithrivkah.com
On this episode of Boss Maidel ,we discuss the mind, body and soul connection. Eda and Rivkah are big believers in the idea that in order to thrive one needs to feel whole mentally, spiritually and physically. Through proper nutrition, movement, healthy habits, prayer etc. we can nourish all those aspects of ourselves. Both Rivkah and Eda share their personal struggles and how they used those struggles as a catalyst for change and self growth. We talk about working through shame, imposter syndrome and holding ourselves accountable in order to achieve our dreams.
Eda: The Gifts Of Imperfection by Brené Brown, Towards A Meaningful Life by Simon Jacobson
Rivkah: Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, G-d Of Our Understanding by Rabbi Shais Taub
Eda: Grilled chicken, mashed potatoes and guacamole
Rivkah: London broil marinated and then grilled or broiled
Rivkah likes to have a dinner plate that is made up off: 1/2 veggies, 1/4 protein, 1/4 carbs.
Role Model:
Eda: Oprah Winfrey
Rivkah: Ivanka Trump, Rivkah’s aunt Shainy New
Eda: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” by Eleanor Roosevelt
Rivkah: “Everything can be taken from man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Viktor E. Frankl