Leah Siegel
Leah Siegel is an accomplished professional in the financial industry. She has educated countless families helping them realize their goals and begin dreaming again. She is a highly sought-after speaker and is a mentor to many around the country. She has built a business around helping people reinvent their lives. Leah lives in Valencia, CA with her husband, Rabbi Jay Siegel. She is a mother of 5, and recently became a grandmother.
You can find Leah @leahsiegel7
In this episode, we talk all about money and our beliefs and behaviors around it. Leah’s goal is to empower women through money and to encourage them to take control of their finances. We discuss the six steps to financial freedom: 1- budgeting 2- managing debt 3-creating an emergency fund 4- purchasing protection 5- asset accumulation 6- estate preservation and we explore each step in depth. Leah also dives into some of the most common money fears and mistakes that women make.
Book: 177 Mental Toughness Secrets of the World Class: The Thought Processes, Habits and Philosophies of the Great Ones by Steve Siebold
Quote: ” She silently stepped out of the race that she never wanted to be in, found her own lane and proceeded to win.”
“Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”
Girl Boss: Mel Robbins
A great podcast to check out here
A great book to read here